
In this project, the choreographer and dancer Latifa Laâbissi examines how the label “witch” was used by those in power to apply to women considered dangerous and/or troublesome, throughout the ages and different geographic contexts.
Artists, militants and other agitators have appropriated the designation, which invokes a certain potential for the toppling of this same power, ranging from the choreographer Mary Wigman from 1910, to the activist and contemporary writer Starhawk.
W.i.t.c.h.e.s Constellation intends to organize books, practices and speech device which, when linked, create a context and allow us to perceive and collectively experience certain sensitive, critical, magical and subversive potentials. It will be about attempting an arrangement which will resist any ambition toward becoming dominant, creating a climate where imaginations are free to continue reconfiguring themselves, escaping the fixation of any attempt to permanently label them.

Magic is a word which makes people uneasy, so I am using it on purpose since the words with which we feel comfortable, words which sound acceptable, rational, scientific and intellectually credible, are that way precisely because they are part of the language of distance.

Starhawk: Dreaming the Dark. Magic, Sex and Politics, Paris, Éditions Cambourakis, 2015.

Alternatives sorcières
Workshop (5 days behind closed doors, 2 days open to the public)
By Anna Colin and Latifa Laâbissi
Latifa Laâbissi and Anna Colin (curator and researcher) met several years ago to examine current “witches.”

Écran somnambule / Witch Noises / La Part du rite
Performances of pieces by Latifa Laâbissi (after Alternatives Sorcières or the next day)